T-SQL Tuesday #97 – Setting Learning Goals for 2018

T-SQL Tuesday #97 – Setting Learning Goals for 2018

T-SQL Tuesday #97 – Setting Learning Goals for 2018

The topic for this months T-SQL Tuesday #97 (hosted by Malathi Mahadevan Blog/Twitter) is:

Setting Learning Goals for 2018

I like to think of year end goal setting in terms of inhaling and exhaling. Reflecting back on the year and planning ahead for the next year is exciting to me. I think a lot about these things – sometimes too much. Like breathing there is a balance between thinking about something and taking action to do it.

Let’s see about a healthy balance by looking first at 2017 then ahead to 2018.

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Knowledge Based Authentication and Data Breaches – Your Security Questions Are Belong to Us

All your security questions are belong to us

Troy Hunt recently testified before the US Congress about Data Breaches. The focus was how data breaches affect knowledge based authentication. Identity verification in a post breach world is more challenging than ever.

His testimony is available on his blog. It is worth a read – I’ll wait here until you return.

You can watch the hearing on YouTube. (1.5 hours)

Much of his talk comes from his experience running a website tracking data breaches. If you have not already checked your information in Have I Been Pwned take a look. You can have it notify you if your account has been in a data breach.

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