T-SQL Tuesday #112 – Facing the Unknown With Confidence

T-SQL Tuesday #112 – Facing the Unknown With Confidence

T-SQL Tuesday #112 – Facing the Unknown With Confidence

The topic for this months T-SQL Tuesday #112 hosted by Shane O’Neill (Blog / Twitter) is about “dipping into your cookie jar”. This reference means “when times get tough how do you dip into your reserves to keep going”. Shane asks the following:

That is what I want from the contributors of this T-SQL Tuesday, those memories that they can think back on for sustenance. Like the humble cookie, I want a humble brag.

Read on as I share some stories…

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Marriott and Equifax – A Tale of Two Breaches

Marriott and Equifax – A Tale of Two Breaches

Marriott and Equifax – A Tale of Two Breaches

Recently there were two huge data breaches of two very large companies. Both organizations collected a ton of information about their clients. The breaches were both spectacular in scope. Furthermore, both were among the largest known data breaches.

I see a large contrast between the Marriott breach and the Equifax breach. The difference between the two massive breaches clearly demonstrates the importance of basic security methods.

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