T-SQL Tuesday #112 – Facing the Unknown With Confidence

T-SQL Tuesday #112 – Facing the Unknown With Confidence

T-SQL Tuesday #112 – Facing the Unknown With Confidence

The topic for this months T-SQL Tuesday #112 hosted by Shane O’Neill (Blog / Twitter) is about “dipping into your cookie jar”. This reference means “when times get tough how do you dip into your reserves to keep going”. Shane asks the following:

That is what I want from the contributors of this T-SQL Tuesday, those memories that they can think back on for sustenance. Like the humble cookie, I want a humble brag.

Read on as I share some stories…

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T-SQL Tuesday #107 – My Death March Project

T-SQL Tuesday #107 – My Death March Project

T-SQL Tuesday #107 – My Death March Project

This month I have the honor of hosting T-SQL Tuesday #107 about Death March Projects. The topic for this months T-SQL Tuesday #107 (hosted by yours truly Blog/Twitter) is:

“Tell me your project horror stories – the worse the better”

Through some redaction, slight change of facts, and creative control with some details I will protect the innocent; and in this case, the guilty as well.

If you don’t have time to read my lengthy exposition then please skip down to the section titled “The Making of a Death March Project”.

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T-SQL Tuesday #100 – The Future of SQL Server 2026

T-SQL Tuesday #100 – The Future of SQL Server 2026

T-SQL Tuesday #100 – The Future of SQL Server 2026

The topic for this months T-SQL Tuesday #100 (hosted by Adam Machanic Blog/Twitter) is:

“…put on your speculative shades and forecast the bright future ahead. Tell us what the world will be like when T-SQL Tuesday #200 comes to pass.”

Big thanks to Adam for starting this monthly blog party and keeping the energy going!

Let’s predict the future of SQL Server! I will share with you my best guesswork about how it will be to work with SQL Server 2026.

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