SQL Server on VMware Best Practices – How to Optimize the Architecture

SQL Server on VMware Best Practices – How to Optimize the Architecture

A couple of months ago, VMware released a new white paper called “Architecting Microsoft SQL Server on VMware vSphere”. Published in August 2018, it spells out the best practices for running SQL Server on vSphere. Twenty years ago VMware launched and forever changed the compute world.

SQL Server and VMware go together like peanut butter and jelly. Read on to look into the details…

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SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics Guide – VMware

SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics Guide – VMware

Nowadays everyone virtualizes. SQL Server is no exception. VMware is the most common hypervisor by far (sorry Hyper-V) so it is very beneficial for DBAs to know their way around vSphere, understand how to optimally configure SQL Server and VMware to work together, and know the red flags to watch for performance.

This is part 2 of a 3 part series about SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 as well.

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