Troubleshooting Network and SQL Server Connectivity at the Command Line

Troubleshooting Network and SQL Server Connectivity at the Command Line

Troubleshooting Network and SQL Server Connectivity at the Command Line

Network problems with connecting to SQL Server can be daunting. DBAs have various levels of proficiency in networking. It ranges from deep working knowledge to very primitive. Here I outline some basic network troubleshooting techniques that will help you navigate the issue.

Read on to see how to troubleshoot basic networking issues at the command line.

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SQL Server on VMware Best Practices – How to Optimize the Architecture

SQL Server on VMware Best Practices – How to Optimize the Architecture

SQL Server on VMware Best Practices – How to Optimize the Architecture

A couple of months ago, VMware released a new white paper called “Architecting Microsoft SQL Server on VMware vSphere”. Published in August 2018, it spells out the best practices for running SQL Server on vSphere. Twenty years ago VMware launched and forever changed the compute world.

SQL Server and VMware go together like peanut butter and jelly. Read on to look into the details…

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National Cyber Security Awareness Month – Low Hanging Fruit

National Cyber Security Awareness Month – Low Hanging Fruit

National Cyber Security Awareness Month – Low Hanging Fruit

Since 2004 the Department of Homeland Security has organized October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month. The goal is to promote cyber security to help keep Americans safe online. Fast forward 14 years and the security landscape has only become more dangerous. More opportunities exist for online abuses than ever before. The proliferation of internet connected devices that comprise the IOT creates additional attack surfaces which often have security as an afterthought instead of baked into the design.

Today I want to focus on the low hanging fruit i.e. the easy wins we can achieve to significantly improve our online safety and security. Read on to see the simple things most people can do to improve their situation.

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